Groundwork (2015 - Ongoing)
Site-Responsive performance platform, residencies, talks, workshops, parties, and dinners curated and produced by myself and Ashleigh Bowmott under the guise Tracing The Pathway. Presented at various locations across Milton Keynes.

Groundwork demonstrates my commitment to location-specific, community focused practice that sits at the intersection of the arts and heritage sector.
Groundwork is multifaceted. It is grassroots, organic and responsive, and, since it launched in 2015, it has operated as an umbrella project title for a variety of activities: curating unique artworks; supporting the professional development of local artists; and providing a platform for internationally renowned artists to make deep, long-lasting and meaningful connections with the town.
Groundwork is unique to Milton Keynes for its focus on performance, site-specific and interdisciplinary work. It is also one of the only long-term, artist-led, self-organised projects of its kind for/within the area which celebrates and debates the cultural heritage and identity of the town. As such Groundwork forefronts the original ethos of the Milton Keynes Development Corporation to champion artists as playing a vital role in community building.
Groundwork was funded by Arts Council England, Milton Keynes Community Foundation, Pedalling Culture, Milton Keynes Arts Centre and Sharing Culture: MK; and partnered with Arts and Heritage Alliance Milton Keynes, Studio Chehade, MK Gallery, Milton Keynes City Discovery Centre, Westbury Arts Centre, The Parks Trust, The Old Bus Station (Winter Night Shelter), Gulliver’s Land, The Fred Roche Foundation, MK College and Bill’s Minibus and Coach Hire Ltd.
The Groundwork Weekender is the largest output of the Groundwork programme to date. It was a three-day celebration and exploration of Milton Keynes; its heritage, landscape, mobility, architecture, people, sites, and sounds of the city. The Groundwork Weekender presented an ambitious and diverse programme of performances, talks, walks, exhibitions, film screenings, and social meeting points, each entirely created for and in response to MK. Eleven unique artist projects premiered work, softly animating the city, gesturing towards the inspiring creative and cultural sites that can be found by every grassy verge; in its grid formations, underpasses, trees, and people too.
You can view a copy of the weekender documentation by clicking on the image below:
Video trailer 4’13 / Film Credit: Rosie Powell Freelance
For further information and full documentation of the project to date please visit: www.groundworkmk.com